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Roger E. Bruner

Author Bio:

Roger Bruner worked as a teacher, job counselor, and programmer/analyst before retiring to pursue his dream of writing Christian fiction full-time. A guitarist and songwriter, he is active in his church's and nursing home ministry. Roger also enjoys reading, photography, web design, creating book covers, publishing, and spending time with his wonderful wife, Kathleen. Twenty-one of his novels are published.

Books by Author

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The Angel on the Hill

Bald Hill is barren. And quite ugly. As the only elevation within the town limits or anywhere else for miles around, it’s impossible to miss. No wonder the residents hate it and want to have it leveled. But when the hill unexpectedly comes alive with foliage and a huge angel statue mysteriously appears…

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The Elder

Elderly Paul “Barney” Eisner lives to help others. When he’s forced into retirement at the age of eighty, he loses his sense of worth. Having an accident immediately after seeking a volunteer position at church and being stuck at home with a broken leg that refuses to heal discourages him even…

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Why Not?

Ben and Rachel take a beach week trip with three senior couples from their church. Their housemates try to turn the elderly widow and widower into a couple, only to discover that Ben and Rachel are vehemently opposed to having a romantic relationship. But they don't object to becoming friends. Their…

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Doxxi No More

Striving to become a respected author, Richard P. Jones must not only keep his girlfriend Jenna from learning that he’s the elusively popular pulp novelist DOXXI, he must also keep his investigative reporter neighbor Bo from uncovering and making Richard’s DOXXI identity front page news. But what…

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Matchmaker Payback

Soon after the premature death of Agnes Jenkins’ husband, she starts trying to set up “match-dates” for her single, mid-thirties daughter, Jessie, with totally unsuitable men. She wants Jessie to marry while she’s young enough to enjoy a longer lifetime of happiness than she’d had with Phil.…

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The Complete CURMUDGEON Series

This a combination of the three novels about aged Claude Robertson as he adjusts to life in Sunnydale after losing his lengthy pastorate. He becomes best friends with a Black teen named Angel and her parents and enjoys the company of his little yellow hen, who has some rather amazing abilities. Claude…

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Recalled to Life

Claude Robertson, Sunnydale’s respected “Town Curmudgeon,” is amazingly healthy for an eighty-nine-year-old. The lifelong bachelor is happily married to longtime widow Ruth, who not only lovingly endures her husband’s quirky nature, she enjoys pampering him. With the addition of a small circle…

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Ask Lolita

A delightfully unbelievable fantasy. Not only does the Town Curmudgeon’s pet hen Lolita learn to use the computer and get her own newspaper column, she helps the lifelong bachelor survive the challenges of old age and find true love in the process.

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Angel & the Town Curmudgeon

Angel Montgomery is attractive and quite intelligent, but she unknowingly turns off potential friends by trying to meet them at her level rather than coming down to theirs. Mistakenly viewing her as uppity, they can’t respect or accept her as the loving person she is. Claude Robertson has lost the…

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Bryan Centuria’s teen friend Tommy owns everything Bryan’s parents can’t afford to give their adopted son. He’s determined to become richer than Tommy’s millionaire father when he grows up. Ongoing grief over the loss of a special friend and unrelenting guilt about something he played an indirect…

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A Twisted Rainbow

A Twisted Rainbow is a quirky, whimsical, and moving Christian coming-of-age novel about two young men who rebel against their Christian upbringing to pursue the American Dream. Joel, a Preacher’s Kid plagued by guilt about almost everything wrong he’s ever done, is afraid God will call him into…

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What If?

In 2052, New America’s far-left leadership tires of being pestered by the ten thousand remaining Christians who continue to thrive amidst severe persecution. A consortium of wealthy liberals forcibly migrates them to Whollyland, a remote area where they are cut off from all contact with New America…

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When Love Won't Wait

Pastor Dan has two unfortunate problems: uncontrollable impulsiveness and an unrealistic understanding of the biblical command to honor a parent. Going against domineering widowed Mama Ruby’s wishes is unthinkable. Totally impatient with Dan’s impetuosity, she plans to choose his bride rather than…

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Altered Hearts

This collection of the four Altered Hearts novels portrays three best friends who must overcome a variety of problems and challenges—both at home and on short-term mission trips to Mexico, California, and Nicaragua. Kim Hartlinger, the protagonist in three of the books, slowly evolves from being a…

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Found in Translation (Altered Hearts Volume One)

Faith, obedience, and forgiveness intersect in a remote Mexican village. When Kim Hartlinger—eighteen and spoiled—arrives on a mission trip to Mexico and discovers, to her chagrin, that she’ll be doing construction in a remote village without plumbing and electricity, rather than evangelism in…

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A Season of Pebbles (Altered Hearts book 2)

(Formerly published by Barbour Publishing as Lost in Dreams and also by Winged Publications.) Grace, hope, and healing intersect in the California mountains. From the moment eighteen-year-old Kim Hartlinger steps off the plane from a mission trip to a remote Mexican village, her journey takes a turn…

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Overshadowed (Altered Hearts) (Volume 3)

Kim Hartlinger is majoring in Spanish to do missions. Aleesha Jefferson is studying music and drama and aiming for Broadway. But Jo Snelling doesn’t know what she wants to do. She doesn’t even have a dream. No wonder she feels overshadowed by her BFFs. What is she good at doing, anyhow? Reading?…

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The Flowers of His Field (Altered Hearts volume 4)

A mysterious phone call claiming that Rosa del Mundo needs help brings Kim Hartlinger, her father, and Rob White to the tiny Mexican village of Santa María, where Kim and Rob served on a mission trip several years earlier. When they arrive, however, Rosa says she didn’t send for them. She has a problem,…

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Do I Ever

Andrea (Andi) and Drew Stevens are awaiting the finalization of their divorce. Drew is a Christian. He disapproves of divorce. And he still loves Andi no matter how unlovable she’s grown. Andi is a Christian, too. But she believes she’s grown unworthy of Drew’s love. And she refuses to explain…

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Impractically Yours

Ten years after her divorce, forty-year-old María is still distrustful of men. As if that’s not bad enough, her hypoglycemia turns her into a monster anytime she eats too much simple sugar or fails to eat when she’s supposed to. Fifty-year-old Robbie is a bachelor and a practical joker. Even though…

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Play the Right Game

Super-competitive best friends Carla Cabrero and Annie Murdoc both want a husband. Carla is waiting for God to lead her to the right man, but Annie—a non-Christian—persists in using her most provocative charms to attract men. Carla describes that as “playing the wrong game.” Annie sets her sights…

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Wherefore Art Thou Ramón?

When Ramón Montéz and Julianne Carlson were children, they unwittingly started a feud between their fathers. Six years later, the feud is still going strong, and it’s having an increasingly horrible effect on everyone: their pastor and fellow church members, the customers at their jewelry store,…

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A teen misfit discovers that friendship and love are more important than popularity When seventeen-year-old Ben Matthews moves to Virginia, he’s dying to break into the local in-crowd. Not very likely, though. The inner circle will never accept a misfit like him—a preacher’s kid. Then he meets…

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Just Friends

Sixteen-year-old Cassie detests her muffin top. But how can she lose those nineteen pounds? She loves eating too much. Inspired by a Bible study about making the body a fit temple for the Holy Spirit, she convinces her scrawny best friend, Jason, to help her develop a simple weight loss program. One…

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Rosa No-Name

Sixteen-year-old orphan Rosa No-Name has grown up in the remote Mexican village of Santa María, where the villagers resentfully meet only her most basic physical needs. Unwilling to offer love or guidance, they not only refuse to answer Rosa’s questions about who her parents were, they don’t bother…

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The Devil and Pastor Gus

Fifty. Half a century old. Closer to the grave than cradle. And what does Pastor Gus Gospello have to show for his fifty years on earth? Not much. Shepherd of a small church. Married without kids. Faithful keeper of God's commands. Gus longs to make a difference for God to have an eternal legacy. Now,…

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