Every Good GiftBy Kelly S. IrvinDescription:
During the most difficult season of her life, how could she know whether their meeting was a gift from God—or another temptation? Book Takeaway:I want them to know that there’s always a way forward no matter how bad they mess up. God forgives. He redeems us. The truth of Scripture is reflected in the story. Every baby, every child, is a gift from God, no matter the circumstances. God can and will bring good from every situation. When we mess up, He adjusts his plan accordingly. I want them to be happy for Maisy and Joshua and for Vicky and Isaac. I hope the readers won’t sit in judgement of Maisy or of the people who believe what she has done (with Nate) is wrong. The world’s standards are very different from those set by the Amish for their communities. They are based in Scripture. They may seem overly strict or “old fashioned” to some readers, but the situation hopefully will give them food for thought. Why the author wrote this book:To explore how the Amish live out biblical principals and what that looks like in a world where “anything goes.” To prompt readers to think about how they would handle these situations, whether for themselves or for loved ones. To prompt discussion of how the world sees these decisions and how God sees them. |