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CFE Black


Genres: Speculative Fiction / Science Fiction - Young Adult

C.F.E. Black seeks to shine light into the world-darkened lives of young people, whether it be in a high school Spanish class, a youth group Sunday school class, or a coffee shop with her computer writing her next book. She lives in north Alabama with her son and her superhero husband. No, really, he saved her life once. It’s a cool story.


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Rebecca D. Bruner


Genres: Speculative Fiction / Science Fiction

Author and speaker Rebecca Bruner has been a leader in women’s ministries for more than twenty years. She has been a fan of speculative fiction since she was eight years old when she first discovered the Chronicles of Narnia, by C.S. Lewis.
In addition to writing, some of Rebecca’s favorite pastimes include walking barefoot in the grass, baking cookies, and riding her bicycle around the…


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Daniel L. Carter


Genres: Speculative Fiction / Fantasy - General, Speculative Fiction / Urban Fantasy - Young Adult, Speculative Fiction / Science Fiction - Young Adult

DANIEL L. CARTER, born and raised in New York State, has always enjoyed Sci-Fi and Fantasy stories. Some of his favorite authors include Robert Aspirin and Stephen R. Donaldson.

Having studied at Elim Bible Institute and Hudson Valley Bible School, he found himself fascinated with the heavenly realms and spiritual principalities mentioned in the Bible. So a journey began to create a…


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Elizabeth J. Carter


Genres: Children's / Middle-grade/Chapter Books - Children, Speculative Fiction / Fantasy - General, Speculative Fiction / Science Fiction - General

I am an author, illustrator, and production artist who loves salted caramel brownies and the color turquoise. I wrote and illustrated my first children's book, "Nobody Told Me I Couldn't..." after hearing a sermon of the same title - a reminder that the only thing that usually keeps us from fulfilling our potential is us telling ourselves that we can't because compare ourselves to other…


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Don Edward Cook


Genres: Speculative Fiction / Science Fiction - General

I was born in Stratford, Ontario, Canada on July 15, 1962. I decided to become a writer late in life (at age 55). My faith in God and my love for both freedom and science fiction has resulted in my novel "Ithyanna, Last Daughter of Atlantis, Book I: How the World Ended Millennia Ago", which is based on my Fanshawe College AFM capstone short film The Last Atlantean (2009), Creationist research…


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Liam Corley


Genres: Speculative Fiction / Science Fiction - General

I've been looking beyond the horizon ever since I was a young lad growing up in the Mojave Desert, craning my neck to catch sight of fighter jets screaming overhead.

CHANGELINGS' blend of genres draws on my experiences as a humanities professor at a polytechnic university. I’ve spent my career putting the humanities at the heart of a technologically advanced future that preserves…


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K. A. Cummins


Genres: Speculative Fiction / Science Fiction - Children, Speculative Fiction / Science Fiction - Young Adult, Thriller/Suspense - General, Horror - Young Adult

K.A. Cummins is an award-winning author and an artist. She explores storytelling in a variety of mediums, blending the wonders of science with the possibilities of what if. She seeks to offer readers adventurous narratives that spark imagination and inspire grace for themselves and for others. When not crafting stories, Cummins loves spending time with her family, collecting fun socks, and venturing…


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C. J. Darlington


Genres: Speculative Fiction / Science Fiction - Young Adult, General / Contemporary - Women

C. J. has loved to read since she was a kid dragging home bags of books from the library. When she was twelve she started dreaming about becoming a published author. That dream came true when her first novel Thicker than Blood won the 2008 Jerry B. Jenkins Christian Writers Guild Operation First Novel contest. It became the first book in the Thicker than Blood series, which also includes Bound by…


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KM Daughters


Genres: Speculative Fiction / Science Fiction

K.M. Daughters is the penname for team writers and sisters, Pat Casiello and Kathie Clare. The penname is dedicated to the memory of their parents, “K”ay and “M”ickey Lynch. K.M. Daughters is the author of 16 best-selling and award-winning romance genre, women’s fiction and Christian fiction novels. The “Daughters” are wives, mothers and grandmothers residing in the Chicago suburbs and…


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Daniel Fulton


Genres: Speculative Fiction / Science Fiction

I am a retired masonry contractor. I have always written poetry and stories of life. I wrote a talk on my experiences on a mission trip to Honduras and was encouraged to do more by my friends, family, and listeners. I have a travel log written to promote a mission that gets bibles into Cuba (Living in Faith Ministries). I have been to Cuba three times. I recently published a science fiction piece…


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