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Jennifer Erin Valent


Genres: General / Historical

Jennifer Erin Valent is the 2007 winner of the Jerry B. Jenkins Christian Writers Guild's Operation First Novel contest for Fireflies in December. Jennifer lives in central Virginia where she has worked as a nanny for over fifteen years. A lifelong resident of the South, her surroundings help to color the scenes and characters she writes.


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Brandy Vallance


Genres: Romance

Brandy Vallance fell in love with the Victorian time period at a young age, adoring the customs, manners, and especially the intricate rules of love. Since time travel is theoretically impossible, she lives in the nineteenth century vicariously through her novels. Brandy’s fondness for tea can only be paralleled by her love of BBC period dramas, deep conversations, and a good book. Brandy is the…


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Mark Alan Vance


Genres: Thriller/Suspense / Supernatural - General

Mark A. Vance is a veteran airline captain for a major US airline with over 27,000 flying hours. He also has C-Suite experience as the President/CEO of a successful capital management firm. His academic credits include an A.S. and B.S. Degree in Air Commerce-Transportation Technology from Florida Institute of Technology, an M.B.A. Degree in Accounting from Indiana Wesleyan University, an M.S. Degree…


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Karen VanDenHeuvel


Genres: Romance

Karen Van Den Heuvel’s diverse experiences as an attorney, certified civil mediator, Registered Dietitian, teacher, speaker, and published author with more than 20 years experience in the corporate, government, and private sectors have fueled her desire to assist people live fuller, richer lives. She intends to help people add spice to their lives whether it is through her romantic suspense novels…


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Rachel VanDyken


Genres: General / Historical - Women

Rachel loves to read almost as much as she loves to write. She resides in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and her dog Sir Winston Churchill. Although she loves to write contemporary romance, her heart will always be with historical and regency romances. Glittering balls and dangerous rakes hold her captivated like chocolate and Starbucks. You can follow Rachel on her blog, Twitter, or Facebook.
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Kellie VanHorn


Genres: Thriller/Suspense

Kellie VanHorn is an award-winning author of inspirational romance and romantic suspense. She has college degrees in biology and nautical archaeology, but she's always found her sense of adventure most satisfied by a great story. When not writing, Kellie can be found camping, baking, gardening, and reading to her four kids. She lives with her family in west Michigan.


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Shannon Taylor Vannatter


Genres: Romance / Contemporary

Award winning author, Shannon Taylor Vannatter writes contemporary Christian cowboy romance and has over a dozen published titles. A romance reader since her teens, she hopes to entertain Christian women and plant seeds in the non-believer’s heart as she demonstrates that love doesn’t conquer all—Jesus does.
She gleans fodder for her fiction in rural Arkansas where she spent her teenage…


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Joni VanNest


Genres: General / Contemporary - Women

For a long time the words I felt inside struggled to find their way to the surface. They longed to be free but I hesitated to set them to the page. One day some fuzzy little kittens came into my life and changed all that. No, I am not a crazy cat lady. Let’s just say the need to understand how I quite suddenly became a cat person drew my words out of hiding and into a story of rescue, for me and…


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Virginia Vaughan


Genres: Thriller/Suspense / Romantic - Women, Thriller/Suspense / Romantic - Women

Virginia Vaughan is a multi-published, Publishers Weekly Bestselling author of inspirational romantic suspense. Blessed to come from a large, Southern family, she has never strayed far from her Mississippi roots. She was a lover of books from a young age, devouring novels packed with romance, danger, and love. Armed with a passion for writing and the knowledge gained from her criminal justice background,…


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Alexa Verde


Genres: Romance / Contemporary - Women

Alexa Verde writes sweet, wholesome books about faith, love, and hope. She penned her first literary masterpiece, a rhymed poem, at the ripe age of eight, and since has had 200 short stories, articles, and poems published in the five languages that she speaks. She has bachelor's degrees in English and Spanish, a master's in Russian, and enjoys writing about characters with diverse cultures. She's…


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