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Michael Hicks Thompson

Author Bio:

Born in his mother’s bed and raised on a small Mississippi farm, Michael knows a thing or two about strong Christian women, alcoholic men, and Jesus. His fictional writings intersperse his observations of human nature with theology.

He’s a member of Kairos (prison ministry), been to Cuba twice on door-to-door evangelism mission trips, been a Sunday School teacher, and a member of Independent Presbyterian Church for 35 years. He and his wife of 45 years live in Memphis, TN, have three sons and four grandchildren. The little ones call him “Big Mike.”

After earning his undergrad degree from Ole Miss and then a master’s in mass communication from
the University of South Carolina, Michael started a one-man ad agency in Memphis. It grew to 87
employees in two cities, winning numerous national and international creative awards. Michael sold his firm in 2011 and turned his attention to full-time Christian fiction writing. His latest novel, The Actress, is available in book stores and on Amazon in print, and for Kindle.

Having already won four major awards, The Rector was first in the series. Both novels are murder mysteries that take place in the Mississippi Delta.

Books by Author

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The Actress -- A Christian Murder Mystery

When America's most famous actress -- Tallulah Ivey -- comes to Solo to film a controversial movie, a prominent local citizen if shot and killed outside her bedroom window. A note is found clenched in the dead man's hand. The note holds the key to Ivey's guilt or innocence. Was it self-defense? Murder?…

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The Rector -- A Christian Murder Mystery

Combine a suspenseful murder mystery with theology (the study and explanation of religious faith, practice, and experience) and you have The Rector. Martha McRae is a widow living in a small Mississippi Delta town in the 1950s. She's obsessed with the sudden death of her Episcopal church's young rector.…

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DAVID--The Illustrated Novel, Vol. II

Volume II chronicles the events and people that surrounded and defined David from age 30 until his death at age 70. Following Saul's death in the Great Philistine Battle, David is crowned King of Judah--Southern Israel. Saul's surviving pitiful-excuse-for-a-son, Ish-Bosheth, becomes King of Northern…

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DAVID--The Illustrated Novel, Vol. I

1025 BC to 970 BC. Israel wants protection against its pagan neighbors. However, the Israelites keep doing it their way, not God's way. God chooses David to lead Israel, but then must intervene many times and in mysteries ways by our standards today. Volume I are the events and people that surrounded…

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