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God's Grace in Our Grumbling

By Janetta Fudge Messmer

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“…let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” (Hebrews 12:1NIV)

As a resident of a much smaller abode (an RV), the idea of throwing off everything that hinders sounds like a perfect plan. If truth be told—we don’t have room to change our mind in our little camper, let alone housing anything but the essentials we need for our travels.

Isn’t this how our life should be concerning sin? The Bible tells us there’s no room for sin in our lives. If this statement is true (and it is), let’s do an inventory. Is there a bad habit we could get rid of? How about an attitude we’re holding onto? A judgment we’ve carried around for far too long?

I’m pretty sure you and I have answered “yes” to one (or more) of these questions, so what’s our next step? It’s to ask the Lord to help us tackle the hard stuff. To guide us back on the right track, concerning our thoughts, actions, and deeds, so we can run the race the Lord has marked out for us.

Next time we’re in a store, smile at the cashier and ask her how his/her day is going. It will brighten both of your days. When our spouse or child steps on our last nerve, take an extra breath and give them a hug instead of our poopy attitude. It’ll make for a happier home.

And next time someone hurts us, “throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles”. This way there is no possible chance resentment and/or bitterness can survive with Christ’s love in us.

1) When sin entangles you, what is the first thing you do? Do you pray, or say, “I’ll do better next time?”

2) What does “run with perseverance the race marked out for us” look like in your life?

3) Do you tend to hold a grudge? Or is forgiveness more your style? Stop here and think on the words, “throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles.” Is there anything that you can let go of?

Lord, help me to “throw off” the sins that hold me captive. I ask for Your freedom to run the race You’ve planned for me before I took my first breath. Help me to choose kindness in every situation. Thank You! AMEN!!!

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