Reaching Into Silence, World Without Sound Book OneBy Linda SammaritanDescription:
Labeled as a “rubella baby,” Debbie’s sister Krista is born blind in one eye and with a hole in her heart. Although she survives risky open-heart surgery, months pass, and she doesn’t babble or crawl like most babies do. Doctors decide Krista is cognitively challenged—she’ll never be able to learn—and they advise her parents to put her in an institution. Just forget about her and raise their three “normal”kids. Book Takeaway:When a child is born with disabilities, there is hope for a life of joy. Awards:
Why the author wrote this book:
My sister, born with disabilities due to the rubella epidemic of 1964, has inspired our family with her spunk, her perseverance, and her grace toward all as she matured. People told me I should write the story. So, while |