They Almost Always Come HomeBy Cynthia RuchtiDescription:She'd leave her husband...if she could find him. When Libby's husband Greg fails to return from his two-week canoe trip to the Canadian wilderness, the authorities write off his disappearance as an unhappy husband's escape from an oatmeal marriage and unrewarding job. But was it? Libby enlists the aid of her father-in-law and best friend to retrace his wilderness journey in search of her husband and her flagging faith. Book Takeaway:They Almost Always Come Home will resonate with women who once thought they’d never consider divorce but can’t stomach the pain and distance that mark their marriage relationship. From the newly married to the long married, women readers will identify with unmet expectations and the discovery—both unnerving and endearing—that their husband is not at all who they thought. And neither are they. They’re stronger, more culpable, more courageous, and more vulnerable than they knew. Awards:
Why the author wrote this book:For women who sometimes struggle to like the man they love, for those who don't know what to do with their grief, for those crippled by loss or caring for someone who is, for people whose faith has taken a hit from unanswered prayer and unfulfilled dreams. |
"This book really touched my heart - it is poignant, powerful, and I couldn't put it down. Can't wait for her next book."
- Lacy on November 04, 2010
"A can’t-hardly-bear-to-stop-reading emotional thriller. This story of self-examination, renewal and honest insight is hauntingly relevant to this era of many living alone within marriage."
- Delores on September 21, 2010
"“They Almost Always Come Home” has just the right balance of serious moments, heartfelt emotion, witty dialogue, and humor. Ruchti has a fresh style and voice as a writer."
- Michelle on May 27, 2010