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Shimmer: The Chronicles of Maladore

By Angie Smuin, David Smuin

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Chapter One
The dimly lit, immense hallway stretched in both directions. Coming from the left was a high pitched scream for help that sent chills unbidden down my spine and fear gripped me. The light increased as I approached the entrance to the courtyard.
My feet started moving as if in slow motion as they weighed so much more than they should.
Bursting out into the vast courtyard I inhaled the scent of my mother’s roses. The light from the setting sun shined brightly down casting stark shadows which twist the reality into a gnarled grimness. I made my way through the winding paths to the center opening and the source of the screams for help.
To the right my brother, Thomas, was valiantly fighting two men dressed in black. They were attacking him from both sides and he quickly parried each blow with such speed that his sword was hard to follow with my eyes. The hours we spent training for such a time as this and here I stand with no weapon. My stomach clinched into a knot as the scene played out in front of me. My eyes dart all around looking for anything to use to engage in the fight but to my shock they fall upon the face of my mother.
Her voice rings out with boldness, “You may kill me but Lord Carnoff will never win! He will never have our lands or our people! The people of the 8th province will never bend the knee to your evil master.”
“You are correct; I am going to kill you! Lord Carnoff is already winning you just don’t know it yet. I’m going to kill you and your son will be next. Then I will hunt down your precious daughter and the silly prophecy that you and your people cling to will be put to rest!”
As my mother’s eyes reached mine I could hear her say, “You cannot stop what is destined to be!” the conviction in her voice ringing out and hitting like a forceful tidal wave.
Glancing down I saw her dagger lying on the ground a few feet behind the dark assassin. The tip of the assassin’s sword was poised to thrust through her heart. If only I could reach the dagger before it’s too late. Just before I lunged for the small blade the assassin raised his sword slightly, with a sneer on his face, and plunged the tip into her chest as a scream from somewhere deep within my soul escaped my lips. His head turned ominously and he rested his eyes on me as an evil smile spread across his face.
“You must be the lovely Mariah I’ve heard so much about. It’s so nice of you to join us and save me the time of searching this castle.” As he withdrew the sword from my mother’s chest I lunged for the dagger. Wrapping my fingers around the small handle only to cry out as his foot stepped on the blade. His hand seized my hair savagely and turned me in the direction of my brother. My mother’s dark red blood dripped from the blade that killed her as he gripped it in his other hand.
My eyes quickly shifted to land on my dear brother as he valiantly swung his sword fending off the attacks of the two men in dark clothing. As the swords collided I witnessed his blade skillfully slice a deadly blow to one of the men, but it was not enough. The other hit him with such force that he stumbled backwards under the power of the strike. He crashed to the hard ground and before he could raise his sword to defend himself a blade was suddenly thrust violently into his side, crimson blood splattering onto the pebbles around him. His eyes grew wide as a cry of anguish left his lips. All words were lost as he clawed at the ground trying to reach the sword that had been kicked out of his hand. He stilled as the life drained out of him and I watched in helpless horror.
Unsure of what would happen next, I struggled to pull away from the man holding me only to hear him say, “Your next little girl! Don’t worry, you’ll be joining him very soon.”
With resounding thunder a voice boomed, “I think not!”
We both turned toward the new voice and my eyes fell upon Uncle Charles with his sword drawn. The grip on my hair released suddenly as the black clad man crumpled to the ground with a grunt. Before I could take even one step, the arms of Uncle Charles wrapped around me. Soldiers scurried past us and swiftly captured the remaining assassin but they were too late. My world has just ended with the death of my mother and brother.
Uncle Charles held me as I sobbed uncontrollably. I could feel his strong arms lifting me gently as he carried me back into the castle. His soothing voice whispered reassurances to me as the walls closed in.
“There’s nothing you could do. A twelve year old lady cannot overcome three trained killers. Even when the twelve year old has trained as hard as you. It’s not your fault.”
His words do nothing to stop the sobs that come from deep within my being. The cries of my broken heart ring out all around me.
“Rebecca! Wake up! It’s just a dream.”
My eyes slowly opened but I couldn’t focus on anything. Tears soaked my pillow and I gasped for air as my chest heaved violently. The hands that touched me were soft as I slowly realized it was a nightmare. I already lived that reality and now I get to relive it in my dreams. My mother’s dying face gazing on me with love even to her last breath.
“I’m sorry I woke you. It was the nightmare about my mother and Thomas dying and it was just so real.” My voice cracked with raw emotion as I spoke.
Bridgett wiped my tears and said, “That one always is, but it’s over now. Go back to sleep. I’ll be right here.”
Despite the fleeting thought of just staying awake my eyelids grew heavy as my breathing slowed down and I closed my eyes in relief quickly drifting back to sleep.

Back into the reality that I previously lived where I find my father hovering above me. He looked strong and young just like I remembered him. His soft brown eyes look so sad as he gazed down at me.
“Time to wake up Mariah. It’s time for you to go.”
I struggled to sit up as he continued speaking.
“For the last 6 month, since your mother and brother were murdered, I’ve kept you safe from the assassins and kidnappers that Carnoff has sent. This has only served to enrage him. We’ve all known
that he desires to overthrow me and rule the 8th as well as the 7th. He’s a power hungry man.
His first attempt was to dispel the prophesy by killing you. That has proved unsuccessful so Carnoff and his army are now preparing to attack the castle. They’re gathering on our border even as we speak.

The siege could last for a long time and we must seal the castle and prepare for war. Soon no one will leave the castle for any reason let alone escape. You know that I love you with all my heart and if there was another path I would choose it, but the only way is to put you in a safe place until he is defeated and the castle is secure again. I won’t let him hurt you!”
“But father, I can fight and the prophesy says that I will rise up and bring victory. Uncle Charles has taught me well. I should stay.” My whispered plea was barely audible.
“Mariah, I know you’ve trained faithfully alongside your brother. And you will one day be called upon to use those skills that you have learned so well. But you’re not yet ready. You know the prophecy will come true but we must be wise and patient for the right time. This is not that time.” His eyes pleaded with me to understand.
“Tell me the prophecy father.” I already knew what he was going to say as it had haunted me since my birth.
“Evil will be unleashed on the land but in the time when it is most dark, a girl will rise up with shimmering hair on her head and bring victory over the evil. You will know her by the butterfly mark.” A heavy sigh escaped his lips before he continued. “I have known you are the chosen one with your hair that shimmers and the mark on your shoulder. You must live to fulfill your destiny. You will know when it is time but until then you must do what you have to do even if you don’t want to. You must consider all those that are depending on you. For now you are not safe here with me. You must go into hiding. I’ve lost your mother and brother and I will not lose you! I’ll come for you when it’s time.” He looked at me with eyes filled with anguish. His jaw set in a hard line of determination.
“Will you be strong and courageous no matter what comes to be?”
“Yes, father. I will not let you down.” My voice cracked as I spoke.
“Lord Colton, if we are going to succeed we must leave now.” Uncle Charles spoke from the doorway.
“We’ll be right there.” My father responded without turning, his intense gaze never wavering as if he was memorizing my face. His warm arms wrapped around my slight frame for a few moments. I breathed in the scent of him and relished the moment of familiar comfort.

All too soon the moment was over as he motioned for me to dress in the clothes that were laying out for me. I obediently slipped the rough, foreign material over my head and followed him out the door in a trance. My feet moved even though my mouth was clinched and I wanted to scream in protest but no words came out. Only in my head did I scream. I don’t want to leave. Please don’t make me leave. But I will be strong! I will not let my father or my people down. I am Mariah, Lord Colton’s daughter, of the 8th province!
Uncle Charles was standing silently beside his tall dark stallion as we stepped out into the open courtyard. His face betrayed the deep resolve to see to my safety.

My father lifted me easily into the saddle of the horse and Uncle Charles swung up behind me. He wrapped his arms about me and I could feel the wind whipping about my hair as we left my home behind. The ground went by in a blur as we rode into the night. The tears slid freely down my cheeks as I turned my face to burrow deeply into my uncle’s chest. His strong arms about me and I knew I was safe.
Lifting my head I could see trees passing in a blur and the jolting of the galloping horse jarred me to my deepest parts. The moon beamed down on us casting eerie shadows all about. The trees danced as if mocking me; daring me to get off this ride into the unknown.
The end was in sight. I could see the clearing. The cottage in the forest that I would call home that was so hidden from the reality of the war that raged in the land of Maladore, a place that used to be so full of peace. The 8 provinces each ruled by their own royal family. Until Lord Carnoff rose to power in the 7th province and in his quest for power strikes out with fear and terror.
Charles gently lowered me to the ground and into the arms of a stranger. He looked at me with kind, gentle eyes and I could hear Charles speak. His voice echoed as if he was far away.
“Mariah, you will stay here hidden until your father can send for you. You’ll be safe here. Remember everything I taught you for some day you will be called upon to defend yourself and your people. You are the chosen one. Keep your mark hidden until it is time to reveal yourself. Always know that you are loved by your father, by me and by your people.”
And then he was gone. His image faded away as I cried out in agony at my losses. Life as I had always known it had been ripped away yet again. No matter what I did I couldn’t escape the reality of my past and who I was.

The sobs shook my very inner most parts as I felt a gentle hand softly brushing away the damp tendrils of hair that were sticking to my face. My eyes opened to see my cousin Bridgett sitting beside me whispering soothing words of comfort. I reached my arms out for her and she held me. The sweat made my night dress cling to me and my hair was a sticky mess. My breathing slowed down and I was able to relax.
“I’ll stay right here and you can sleep. This is obviously the nightmare and not the good dream.” Bridgett said softly.
“It was the same reoccurring nightmare of my past.”
“It’s been a long time since you had so many nightmares. I like it better when you have the good dream.” She smiled down at me while she gently lifted a few stray strands of hair from my face.
“Thank you Bridgett.” I couldn’t stop the tremble in my voice. “I like the good one much better too!”
“Sleep. Tomorrow’s your birthday. We have big plans remember?” Her gentle smile radiated the deep concern and love that we had for each other.
I closed my eyes and drifted off to peaceful sleep at last.

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