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Interview with Jodie Wolfe

Hope is a consistent theme woven through Jodie Wolfe's life, and her debut release, Taming Julia. She joins us today to celebrate this new book and way God has led her through the journey.

Welcome, Jodie. What was your inspiration for your new release, Taming Julia?
I've always been fascinated by the mail-order bride era. I can't even imagine personally leaving everything I know to marry a complete stranger. I wondered what would happen if a man advertised for a certain kind of wife and who showed up was completely opposite of that. How would he handle it, especially if they were married by proxy before she arrived?

I love the combination of hope and quirky in your stories. Without spoiling the book for us, can you give us a few hints on where we’ll find those elements in Taming Julia?
My heroine, Jules (Julia) Montgomery is one of the quirkiest characters I've ever written. She's naïve to many things since she's never really been exposed to life in a town, people, etc., so she provided the perfect backdrop for all kinds of quirks and misunderstandings with her new husband. As far as hope, it's something I weave into all of my stories because I'm a firm believer that true hope can only be found in Jesus Christ.

What spiritual truth do you hope readers will take away from the book?
That God is always there for us. Even when we go through difficult times, and things seem pretty hopeless, we can trust that He's working in our lives. He's there when we call out to Him.

As you look back on your journey to publication, how did God open those doors for you?
For this story, publication was a long time in coming. I actually wrote the story over eight years ago. I too had to learn to trust God even when publication seemed hopeless.

What advice might you give to your past Writer Self?
Trust God's timing and His way. He knows what's best. Trust Him!

What does your writing routine look like, if you have one?
I typically spend a bit of time researching, creating life into my characters, and developing a place to set the story before I let my characters run loose. I try and hold on while they run and I sprint to keep up. I typically can write around 2000 words a day.

What do you do when you’re not writing?
My favorite thing to do is to spend time with my husband. He's my hero and my best friend. I also enjoy reading and knitting.

How can we pray for you?
Please pray for wisdom as I move forward with story ideas. That I'll be working on the things He wants me to do. That He'll open doors in ways I never anticipate, and with the publishers He desires.

Thank you so much for having me here today!


Amanda Wen is an award-winning writer of contemporary inspirational romance. Her contest wins include first place in the 2016 ACFW First Impressions Contest, the 2017 Great Expectations Contest, and the 2017 Phoenix Rattler Contest. Also a professional cellist, Amanda has been spotted onstage with the worship team at the ACFW Conference. A lifelong lover of the flatlands, she lives in Kansas with her husband and their three adorable Wenlets. Amanda is represented by Tamela Hancock Murray of the Steve Laube Agency.

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