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Interview with Heidi Glick

Former science teacher turned romantic suspense author Heidi Glick shares about her newest release, Hold for Release, a gripping tale about forgiveness and redemption that Heidi hopes will draw readers to the love, forgiveness, and hope of the Gospel.

When did you know you wanted to be an author?
When I was thirteen, I was involved in a Christmas drama at church. I wanted to be Mary, but the role involved singing. As I make joyful, yet tone-deaf noise, that role was out. An adult suggested I write my own plays with more speaking parts. I began writing and haven’t stopped since.

How did you come up with the idea for Hold for Release?
Readers I interacted with online mentioned wanted to read more stories with married couples instead of singles. I thought of the idea of a couple with a rocky marriage and thought about how that might play into the plotline.

How and why did you choose this particular setting for this story?
I lived in the greater Cincinnati area for several years. When I started writing the story, I still lived in the area.

Who was your favorite character to write, and why?
I liked writing Randy, because he provides the comic relief for the story. This was probably the darkest story I have written, so I wanted to include some humor. I also enjoyed writing Stu, Jake’s boss. In general, I like writing quirky characters.

Can you describe a day in the life of an author? What are your writing must-haves and must-dos?
Well, some writers sit down and have a daily schedule. As a mom, my writing schedule varies. Kids and housework come first. A must-have is a to-do list, and a must-do is to prioritize which tasks must be done by a certain date. Other must-dos for me include professional growth through attending conferences (even if online) and setting goals.

What message do you hope readers take away from your story?
I hope readers will come away with a better understanding of the forgiveness and redemption offered through Jesus Christ.

What’s your biggest challenge in balancing writing time with your other responsibilities?
As mentioned, I try to put other responsibilities first. For this reason, I tend to write less in the summer when my kids are home from school. I’ll also try to do work early in the morning or at night.

What was the hardest scene to write?
The hardest scene to write was the conversion scene with Jake. I wanted it to feel natural and not forced.

Do you have anything in common with your characters?
I have lived in a Cincinnati suburb and worked in Cincinnati. I have endometriosis and have experienced infertility.

What is your favorite line from the book?
“Even the whiskey didn’t satisfy this evening …. Was there more to life than all this? Had the pastor been right? He huffed. A Holy Spirit helping him? He could use some help right about now.”

How does your faith and spiritual life play into the stories you tell?
As a Christian, I want to draw readers to Christ. I want to share the love, forgiveness, and hope of the Gospel.

Why draws you to romantic suspense?
As mentioned, I want to share the Gospel. I want to do so in a creative way. I want readers to be immersed in the story, so they don’t put it down. Romantic suspense allows me to include a suspense arc, romantic arc, as well as a spiritual arc, so there never is a dull moment.

If you could recommend only three books to a friend, which three would you choose?
Nonfiction list: The Bible, Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy, and Seeking Him: Experiencing The Joy of Personal Revival

Fiction list: Gone to Ground, Fear Has a Name, and Three.

What authors have inspired you on your journey to publication?
My favorite writers include Sarah Sundin, Patricia Bradley, Jaime Jo Wright, and Jessica R. Patch. Irene Hannon, Ted Dekker, Frank Peretti, and Brandilyn Collins have influenced my writing.

What advice would you give to aspiring authors?
Join a professional writing organization. Attend writing conferences. Get a copy of the Christian Writers Market Guide. Then for pantsers, obtain a copy of Story Trumps Structure. For plotters, I suggest reading Save the Cat Writes a Novel and How to Write a Novel Using the Snowflake Method. Be teachable. Join a critique group. Never stop learning.
Stephanie Rose Finsterbush is an aspiring author who writes historical romances with humor and heart. Wife and homeschool mom of two, Stephanie blogs about her family, their multiple cross-country moves, and her journey to publication at

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