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Interview with Amanda Lauer

Amanda Lauer is an award-winning author of historical fiction and time travel books. Her stories feature sweet romances with engaging lead characters who face immense challenges and are striving to be better versions of themselves every day. As her book settings suggest, Amanda’s favorite historical time periods are the Civil War era and the days of castles and knights.

How It Began
Amanda discovered she enjoyed writing when she was in grade school and would create short stories with her friends. However, when it came to choosing a college major, Amanda pursued a different path.

“I was strong academically and my dad encouraged me to go to school for engineering, because, as a woman, he felt I could make a very successful career in that field. However, I ended up getting engaged the Christmas after my first semester of college, so I did not complete my degree. At that time, I felt the field had little flexibility for working mothers, and having a family was my top priority.”

After leaving college, Amanda began her career in proofreading. She took a fourteen-year break to focus on raising her family, then returned to the writing industry. Proofreading turned into copy editing and journalism. At this point, she finally realized she had a gift for writing. But she didn’t consider becoming an author until a friend wrote a book and asked her to copy edit it. When she saw that someone she knew could become an author, it planted the seed in her to become one as well.

“Ever since I was introduced to historic fiction romance, I dreamed of writing a sweet romance in that genre, a book I’d be proud to have my children and grandchildren read someday.”

In 2008, while shooting pictures for one of the papers she worked for, Amanda met a gentleman whose wife was an aspiring author and had an agent in New York City.

“I told him I was interested in writing a book and he suggested I connect with his wife. I did so and it turned into years of once-a-month coffee dates where we swapped chapters of our respective books and not only copy edited but offered suggestions to make the manuscripts better. It took two years to complete my first book and then another two years to find a publisher willing to take a chance on a rookie writer.”

The Road to Publication
Lauer began her search for a publisher by submitting to big-name publishing houses in both the secular and Christian worlds.

“With each rejection, or non-answer, I narrowed my search. Someone recommended Full Quiver Publishing. Ellen Gable Hrkach, the owner, was interested in my project immediately. It’s been a joy working with her. By the end of 2024, eight of my books will be published with Full Quiver Publishing.”

In 2022, Ellen encouraged Amanda to look for a larger publishing house so she could get more traction for her books.

“I queried Chrism Press at a writing conference in Chicago. They showed an immediate interest in Royal & Ancient. My second book with them, Lucky & Blessed — set in the court of King Henry the VIII, will be published on September 2, 2024. I’m honored to be part of the Chrism Press team for these projects, as the owner, Roseanna White, is a prolific author herself and has written some of my favorite books.”

Lauer stated that the most significant aspects of her publication journey have been trusting in God’s plan and following His lead.

“The times I tried to do things my own way felt like I was pushing water upstream and were not fruitful.”

The Impact of Faith, Education, and Recreation
Amanda’s faith and spiritual life mean everything to her and are woven into all her books.

“Like myself, my primary characters value and prioritize their faith, and are striving to be the best Christians they can be on a day-by-day basis.”

Although she didn’t complete her chemical engineering degree, the mental processes remained with her.

“I approach writing with a mechanical mindset, whether it’s writing newspaper articles or novels. There’s a logical progression to writing for me.”

One of Amanda’s favorite hobbies is golfing, a pastime which is featured in her latest book, Royal & Ancient.

“I’d be thrilled if the folks from The Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews — the oldest golf course in the world, where part of this book is set — would invite me to the club for a book signing. I’d love to visit Scotland, the home of the ancestors from my mom’s side of the family.”

Behind the Scenes of Royal and Ancient
This book was primarily inspired by Amanda’s love of Scotland and all things Scottish.

“Having just learned in the last several years through DNA testing that my mom is of Scottish heritage, I was enthralled to discover the history of Scotland and its people.”

The golfing emphasis developed from Lauer’s love/hate relationship with the game.

“I need a lot more practice.”

The time travel element came from her enjoyment of reading that genre, especially Madeleine L’Engle’s A Wrinkle in Time, which she read more times than she can remember when she was a child. Although Amanda hasn’t been able to visit the book’s setting, she says, “It’s the #1 item on my bucket list. If anyone has any connections to Royal and Ancient St Andrews, please reach out to me!”

Key Themes: Cling to your faith no matter what happens in life, appreciate your blessings both big and small every day, strive for healthy relationships with your friends and family, continually work on improving your communication skills, and trust in God’s plan for your life.

“Like any book I write, as my characters grow in their own personal development, I do as well. I’ve been applying those key themes to my life on a daily basis.”

As people read this book, Amanda prays “they will be enlightened, encouraged, inspired, and hope-filled as they move forward in their lives.”

Author Life
Greatest Joy in Writing: I love creating real-life characters, especially young women and young men who have dynamic relationships. I also enjoy researching historic times periods which not only enhances my knowledge but also leads me into rabbit holes that turn out to be integral parts of my stories.

Best Author Experience: When our oldest grandchild read my book, Anything But Groovy, this past summer. He loved it and I was thrilled that my goal of writing books I’d be proud to have my children and grandchildren read came to fruition.

Funny Author Moment: I was displaying and signing books at a women’s conference in Columbus, Ohio, and two women were standing in front of the table chatting. One lady told the other that A World Such as Heaven Intended was her favorite book. I had to break into the conversation and tell them I was the author of the series. The woman was thrilled and asked if she could take a selfie with me!

Biggest Challenge of Being an Author: Disciplining myself to write even if I’m feeling less-than inspired.

What’s Next
Amanda is currently writing the sixth book in her Heaven Intended series, A Hero Such as Heaven Intended, and outlining the sequel to Anything But Groovy.
Jenny Fulton is a wife, mother, author, blogger, and freelance writer. An enrolled member of the Navajo Nation, she grew up hearing stories from my dad about the supernatural workings on the Navajo Reservation. As a child, she collected angels and loved anything related to fairy tales. Her days are now mostly spent raising my three young daughters and writing as much as time and opportunity allows. Follow her at her blog, Heart Soul Mind.

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