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Promise Keeper (THEY MET JESUS) (Volume 6)

By Katheryn Maddox Haddad


REGULAR ADULT VERSION. (Also available in large print and child's versions.) This is a lyrical novel with the reader allowed to share opinions right in the story. And at the end of each chapter are discussion questions, ancient historical records cited, and scriptures used as a basis for the story. At the end of the book are suggested chapter readings for special occasions. It also has a three-page bibliography of all books consulted while writing all eight volumes of "They Met Jesus". This is not just a novel. It is much more.

BOOK 6: PROMISE KEEPER A traitor praised him, a woman crowned him, foreigners sought him. The world ran after him, Judas ran from him, his apostles deserted him. He held his own funeral service, then begged God to help him keep his promise. The religious leaders were unmasked, and King Herod wrestled with just who Jesus was.

Book Takeaway:

Come meet the people who met Jesus. You are one of them. Probably you are several of them. Go ahead and struggle with them as they did. Laugh. Cry. Do mental battle with him. Emotional battle too. Fight for your faith as they fought. Pause to listen for what you have never heard before. Then touch Jesus. This is the story of faith in the impossible. Hope in the inconceivable. Love for the invincible. It is the dreams of youth, the desperations of infirmity, the hopes of age, and the song of eternity.

Why the author wrote this book:

I dedicated it "To Everyone Who has Ever Doubted." I wanted a life of Christ showing the people he affected as having similar problems we have today, but solvable. At the end of each chapter is "Life Application" discussion/thought questions. Also at the end are Bible passages I referred to in the story along with ancient sources such as Josephus. I wanted to assure readers such people actually lived and struggled.


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