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The Oldest Enemy

By Michael Jack Webb

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Dresden, Germany
February, 1945

“Your name! Tell me your name!”
Father Michael Lighthouse’s hoarse voice betrayed his exhaustion and his pent-up frustration, a potentially disastrous mistake. He swallowed several times, but his mouth was as dry as the Sahara and lent nothing to soothe his raw throat. The bound man lying before him writhed in agony as thin streams of grey-white mucous leeched from his flared nostrils, and bubbles of pink saliva dribbled from his contorted mouth.
A thick layer of fear wrapped itself around the young priest as the room grew colder and darker. His breath puffed white before his face. The administrator had cut off the heat in this room two days ago, but this cold wasn’t natural. Father Michael drew his heavy cassock tighter over his lean frame and shivered. Over the cassock, he wore a waist-length white surplice. A narrow purple stole hung loosely from his neck.
He was on the second floor of the city’s largest hospital, located across from Wettiner Station, in the Friedrichstadt. Behind the hospital, in the direction of the river, were the stadiums where he had played soccer in his younger, happier days. Beyond the stadiums, at the edge of the Grosses Ostragehege, a large area of wild, undeveloped land, was the Public Slaughterhouse where the prisoners of war were housed. The SS barracks were located further north and west, in the direction of Heller, on the outskirts of Neustadt. To the immediate west of Wettiner Station was the Hofkirche, where his small office was located, and beyond that was his beloved Opera.
He wished he were there now, listening to Wagner.
He frowned, refocusing as pressure began to build around and in him.
Father Werner, the Jesuit priest from Hamburg with whom he’d consulted, had warned him about this moment. “If you get that far—and many don’t—you must press on relentlessly,” the aging Jesuit had said during a static-filled phone conversation. “You gain the advantage by forcing as complete an identification as possible. Succeed, and you will have assured the domination of your will over your adversary.”
“And if I fail?” he’d asked.
“Remember, my son,” the older man said, “the evil spirit you are about to engage has found a consenting host. It will not depart without a fight. It will claw at you, deceive you—even risk killing its host. Once cornered and exposed, the spirit will attempt to lure you into a field of battle filled with tempting traps. Do not think for a moment you can circumvent them with your own intellect or logic. Rely upon our Lord and Savior, and you will not fail.”
The conversation died in his head, and Father Michael grimaced. Part of him was repulsed by the man before him—who he was and what he represented—yet the priest in him had compassion for the young man’s torment. No one, no matter how evil, deserved what this man was going through.
The young patient with striking blond hair and pale-white skin was skeletally thin, as if he were being consumed from the inside by some sort of ravaging disease. His face was gaunt, and there were dark circles under his blue eyes. When the two Waffen officers now stationed outside the room had brought him in, he had worn the rumpled uniform of the dreaded Schutz-Staffel, the SS. Now what was left of his shirt hung in tatters, exposing his hairless chest.
Father Michael rubbed his eyes then glanced at the small table next to the bed.
Between two burning candles, the only light in the room, lay a crucifix, a vial of holy water, now half empty, and his prayer book. He moved closer to the bed and table. He should have been accompanied by at least one assistant. Father Werner told him three was the usual number. And he was only half the age of the typical exorcist. By all rights, he should have been the assistant, not the one conducting the exorcism.
The flickering candlelight danced across the frost-covered, chipped concrete walls and cast wraithlike shadows.
For a moment, in his mind’s eye, he thought he could see the city in the midst of the flames.
His heart constricted. His beloved Opera must not be destroyed. That would be unthinkable. Yet wails of people engulfed in flames tormented his ears.
He blinked several times and shook his head, then wiped stinging sweat from his eyes. The candlelight must be playing tricks with his mind. That, or his lack of sleep was getting the better of him.
Dante, be damned.
He returned his gaze to the man on the bed.
Sister Evangeline had given him the man’s name when she’d called, but that wasn’t the name he’d been demanding to hear. No, he needed to hear the name of his adversary—the demon who now possessed Josef Rauch.
Only then could he cast the demon out.
He picked up his prayer book and opened it to where he’d left off. “I must know your name,” he commanded forcefully, drawing upon a reserve of strength he had not known he possessed as he splashed holy water over the man’s exposed chest.
Suddenly, Josef lunged against the thick leather straps that bound him to the bed. The straps groaned but held. The young man opened his mouth wider than seemed humanly possible. “You!” screamed a guttural voice. “You want to know My name?”
Father Michael staggered as the words pummeled him. He grabbed the edge of the small table for support as the blood drained from his face.
“Get out of here, you impotent eunuch,” continued the evil voice. “This one is Ours. He’s been Ours from the womb. He asked to be a part of Us. You have no power to stop Us. There is no power anywhere that can stop Us. Leave now—before it’s too late for you as well.”
“Praecipio tibi!—I command you!” Father Michael shouted in Latin, drawing himself up straight and gulping air. “Praecipio tibi, quicumque es, spiritus immunde, et omnibus sociis tuis —I command you, unclean spirit, whoever you are, along with all your associates who have taken possession of this creation of God, by the mysteries of the Incarnation, Passion, Resurrection, and Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ—”
Josef wailed in his own voice, “Please—help—me—” He strained at the straps that bound him, raising thick red welts on his wrists and ankles.
Father Michael ignored the man’s plea. “Eradicare, et effugate ab hoc plasmate Dei—Depart and vanish from this creature of God,” he continued as he made the sign of the cross over Josef. “Ipse tibi imperat, qui te de supernis caelorum in inferiora terrae demergi praecepit—For it is He who commands you, He who ordered you cast down from the heights of heaven into the innermost pit of the earth.”
Josef’s body arched with a spasm, and, without visible cause, deep scratches appeared on the exposed skin of his chest. Each mark produced a line of glistening blood.
Father Michael caught his breath and groaned. The ruby-red lines spelled three words:
Trembling, Father Michael renewed his prayer.
“O God, Creator and Defender of the human race, who has formed man in Your image, look down with pity upon this, Your creation, Josef, for he has fallen prey to the craftiness of an evil spirit. The ancient adversary, the archenemy of Earth, the oldest enemy, enshrouds him in shuddering fear. He renders his mental faculties confused, and he holds him captive, striking terror within him. Repel, O Lord, the power of Evil Spirit! Dissolve the fallacies of its plots. May the unholy tempter take flight. May your servant be protected in soul and body by the sign of Your Name.”
Father Michael made the sign of the Cross on Josef’s forehead with his thumb, careful to keep his hand clear of the man’s mouth. He repeated the gesture on the young man’s chest three times. “Preserve that which is within this person, rule his feelings, and strengthen his heart,” he prayed. “Let the efforts of the Enemy power be dispelled from his soul, Lord, because of this invocation of your holy Name. Grant the grace that he who has inspired terror up to this moment now be put to flight and retire defeated through Christ our Lord.”
Josef spat on him, then cursed him. “You will die tonight in agony, My poor, castrated priest. The fires of hell and damnation will burn your flesh from your body. They will turn your bones into grey-white dust before the cock crows. All who live in this place will die in the inferno. All will join Us in the kingdom.”
“Tell me your name!”
“You think I care what you want? You are less than nothing. I know you well, priest. You prefer boys to girls, don’t you? Your perversions abound. You think you have power to save souls, but you only delay the inevitable.”
Father Michael ignored the lying taunts. “Who—are—you?” he rasped.

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