Touch of Power
Eliora was a flirtatious girl whose need to control her fate caused her to cross a line, breaking God's Law. Her efforts to take control that God was not willing to relinquish to her failed miserably when her wedding night was ruined because of bodily functions unique to women. Little did she know that the issue would last twelve excruciating years.
Divorced by her husband, and taken advantage of by physicians, Eliora had no place to turn except to the other outcasts of society. Even there, she did her best to keep her secret, choosing to present altruistic motives for her presence in the leper camp when a handsome, young physician took notice of the less fortunate sufferers.
Castor could no longer tolerate the superficiality of his life in Rome. Not wanting to take the path his father mapped out for him toward politics, Castor chose the less reputable path of medicine. While his real motivation was to help those who needed it, the pressure was placed on him to make a name for himself by tending only to the needs of the rich, to those whose lives were worth saving. A tragic mistake would take him to the land of Judea where he would meet a woman who not only challenged his notion of the power to heal but would also reveal to him the power of God.
As the Almighty intertwines two very separate lives, will Castor learn his lessons or continue to resist a God he does not believe in? Can he humble himself by realizing that the true source of a physician's power does not lie in his skills but in the healing God allows him to be a part of? Will Eliora's long journey on a path of suffering ultimately teach her the value of a single life? Will the two ultimately become one as God touches them with power that not only heals their broken souls but unites them in a story of love that points to something greater?
Book Takeaway:
Faith is especially beautiful when tested by time.
Why the author wrote this book:
I have always wondered about the woman with the issue of bleeding, imagining what her life must have been like. This book was inspired by those few verses of Scripture which paint such a beautiful scene of faith as she reaches for the hem of her Savior's robe to receive healing.