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Interview With Mae Nunn

Hi Mae, please tell us a little about yourself. Are you married/single? Have children? how many books have you authored?

Hey Rhonda, I'm married to a wonderful man, Mike Nunn, for 17 years. I have one daughter (Maegan, 20) and a step-son (Paul, 29). In addition to my writing I'm employed by DHL as Director of Specialty Customer Service. I've been in the express shipping business for 27 years. I write for Steeple Hill's Love Inspired line. My third release will be out in February 2006.

How many years have you been writing?


How much time do you spend writing daily?

Not nearly enough! I'm mostly a weekend writer but I travel a lot for my "real job" and take advantage of the time I'm a captive in airports and on flights to squeeze in a few pages.

Do you set daily goals for your writing?

No, I'm not that disciplined, yet. I'm most productive when I have a deadline, even if it's self-imposed. Without a deadline I tend to make excuses for not getting the work done. Sound familiar?

Where do you write? Do you have an office or a corner?

I started writing on my laptop on the bathroom vanity counter! I eventually had my husband install a workstation in the closet of a guestroom. Once I sold I converted the guestroom to my office and now I have a lovely private space to write. But I'm still working in a closet! I like total quite in my office, don't even have speakers on my computer. The only sound is the tapping of my fingers on the keys and the snoring of my dog at my feet. I love it!

Do you plot or are you a seat of the pants writer?

I plot enough to have a solid (selling) synopsis and then I just start writing. I love the surprises I get that way. It's nice to have a door open and find a character you weren't expecting on the other side.

Is your first draft rough or do you aim for a polished manuscript the first time through? and How much time do you spend on rewrites?

My first draft is pretty close to the finished product, with the exception of requested revisions. But don't be impressed by that, because my first draft may take me a year to produce! I do a lot of rewriting during that draft because I don't really know my characters until half way through the book. Once they're fully formed in my head I have to go back to the beginning of the story and flesh them out. That's just what works for me.

How does your Christian walk influence your writing? Do you have any advice for integrated God and writing?

It's almost the other way around for me. The more I write for God's glory the more my Christian walk improves. The less I write the harder it is to stay close with Him in my daily life. He gives me the words and draws me to Him as the story unfolds. My advice is to seek God's will for your writing, ask his favor on your work, open yourself up to His blessings and accept what He sends.

What was your biggest obstacle in regards to writing and/or getting published? How did you overcome it?

My biggest obstacle is still finding the time to be productive. You have to be very disciplined to have two careers and that's a struggle most days. I'm inspired by women who overcome much bigger things such as loss of spouse, disabled children, illness, financial setback, and still write.

Do you have any advice for a new writer?

YES! Do not submit anything to an editor or agent before a published author has brutally critiqued it for you!

Do you have a website?

Yes, I do.

Any recent or upcoming releases you'd like to mention?

Book two in my Texas Treasures series, Amazing Love, will be out in February 06.

Thank you, Mae! I have enjoyed our time together.

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