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Interview with Hannah Currie

Hannah Currie is an Australian author celebrating her debut release, which is, in her words, a YA Princess Novel. Join us as we get to know this fascinating new author!

Welcome, Hannah, and congratulations on your new release! What was the inspiration behind this book?
Heart of a Royal was inspired by a mix of different things – notably a dream, a love of YA books and royals, and my sister.

I love sharing books with my teenaged sister and, back in 2015, we both read a particular series of princess-themed books. Which was great and a whole lot of fun to do together – until they ran out. And we wanted more. But then, I remembered this dream I’d had (a full decade before) about a girl who’d grown up in a palace alongside the prince and princess but wasn’t a royal herself, and had this thought that it could work as the basis for a full novel. I asked my sister what she thought, she sent back a rather emphatic ‘yes’ and I got started. I sent her a chapter a week for the next three months. It was a lot of fun to write and I really loved sharing it with her. Although leaving her on a cliff hanger each week probably wasn’t as fun for her as it was for me, come to think of it…

What do you see as most significant to your publication journey? Since this is your debut novel, what moment stands out the most for you so far?
God? I knew from the start that, being both a total unknown and an Australian living on the opposite side of the world to the publishing houses I wanted to work with, it would take an absolute miracle to get out of the slush pile. I didn’t have the option of meeting editors at conferences or anything like that but prayed – and totally believed – that it would only take one person at the right time in the right place believing in my story to see it published. But finding that one person? Making my proposal stand out enough for them to take a chance on it? Only God could do that. Amazingly, he did.

As to which moment stands out, holding my book in physical form for the first time was something I’ll never forget. After almost a decade of writing and sending out proposals, years of editing and re-editing, dreaming and praying and so much waiting (oh boy, the waiting!), to hold that book in my hand for the first time – seeing those words I’d written on the pages of an actual book – and knowing only God could have done that? I knew I was holding a miracle in my hands.

You mention in your bio about wanting to remind readers about always having hope because of God. What is at least one example of how this plays out in your storytelling?
It’s difficult to give a specific example from the book without giving away the story (spoilers!) but I’ve seen in my own life how bleak and dark life is without hope. It’s not something I want to ever repeat. But then, God stepped in, and even though my situation didn’t change, I found a reason to keep going. God was that reason. The fact that, one day, things would be better. Because he loved me. Because he’d already won the battle, and even though it felt like all was lost and I was completely deserted, I wasn’t. It wasn’t. Because of God.

I doubt many people here are growing up in a palace like Kenna but so many of us – myself included – are dealing everyday with overwhelming expectations, the pain of watching people we know live away from God and life circumstances spiraling way beyond our control. And yet, through it all, God is still good. He hasn’t walked away. So, there’s still hope. Still a reason and a purpose.

What have you learned from writing this first novel? What do you have planned for the other books in this Daughters of Peverell series?
Where to begin! I have learned so, so much from writing Heart of a Royal, not only practical things like how to market a book, what goes into publishing one and the proper use of an Oxford Comma (okay, I lie, I’m still learning that one, sorry WhiteFire :p) but things that will stick with me for life, like the fact that God can and does still do miracles. That he answers prayer. And that a single sentence from a reader saying thanks can make all the difference on a really tough day’s writing. Oh, and that licorice bullets make really good writing snacks. And one should always keep their hot drink in a travel mug when drinking near a computer

As to the rest of the series… I’m super excited to announce that there will be two more books in the Daughters of Peverell series! (So, for those of you who’ve already read Heart of a Royal and have been asking… yes, there are more ) They can all be read as standalones but do follow on from each other so mean more when you read them in order. Book Two is Princess Alina’s story and Book Three is Lady Wenderley’s. And if you want any more than that, you’ll have to sign up for my newsletter!

What led you to choose the genre in which you write?
I write Young Adult Contemporary Christian Romance novels (aka YA princess books, which is way easier to say!).

As to why…short answer, because it’s what I love to read. Longer answer, because the YA age is such an incredible time of personal growth for people – they’re coming out from under their parents’ umbrellas and discovering who they really are and their own purpose in life. Add in the rules and expectations of royalty, a few tiaras, a bit (lot) of romance and I can’t think of anything I’d rather write more. Christian fiction – especially Robin Jones Gunn’s Christy Miller (and co) series – had a huge impact on my faith as a teen and if God could use my books to encourage and grow someone like Robin did me, I’d be absolutely stoked!

What do you enjoy doing when you are not writing?
I love reading, baking and spending time with my family. Playing MarioKart and watching TV shows with my husband and kids (currently introducing the kids to the wonder that is Doctor Who), making Lego creations, elaborate train tracks and reading books with my three-year-old, going for ‘big adventures’ to Dreamworld (Australian theme park) or picnics in the country together… basically anything with my favorite people and I’m happy

Share a little about what it was like growing up with 9 siblings. How many brothers and sisters? Is there a significant age difference anywhere? Any material for stories that arose from some of their antics or adventures? Did you get any inspiration for your first novel from any of your siblings?
I loved growing up in a big family! Funny thing is, it never seemed all that big at the time. It was just my family. It’s only when I see a family at the shops or somewhere with five kids (or more) these days that I realize how we must have looked walking around. But yeah, I loved it. There was always someone to play with, dinnertimes were crazy fun (I’m really good at following five conversations at once), it was almost like being on camp every day.

There are five girls and five boys – I’m the second oldest girl – and only 18 years between the oldest and youngest, so we’re all pretty close. While the inspiration for Heart of a Royal didn’t come from any of them specifically, the closeness between Thoraben, Alina and Kenna and the way they tease and look out for each other was something I definitely drew from my relationship with my siblings. Oh, and I might have stolen the story of a guy splitting his pants while doing a cartwheel to impress a girl from one of my brothers… But other than that, it’s all fiction. For now. I make no promises for future stories.

Finish this statement: In the future, I will…
In the future, I will keep writing, because I love the crazy, humbling idea that God could use something I’ve written to speak His love, life, and hope into a complete stranger I may never even meet. What an absolute honor! And because I really love writing. Especially when the characters behave and do what they’re told.

Any parting words?
Thanks for sharing this time with me! The ACFW community has been such a huge encouragement to me over the past five years and I’ve met some really amazing people through it. So yeah, thanks. More than you’ll ever know.

And to anyone reading Heart of a Royal, I really hope you enjoy it! I sure had fun writing it. If you are interested, the first two chapters are available to read at


Tiffany Amber Stockton has been crafting and embellishing stories since childhood, when she was accused of having an active imagination and a flair for the dramatic. Today, she has honed those skills to become an award-winning author and speaker who works in the health & wellness and personal development industries, helping others become their best from the inside out. She lives with her husband and fellow author, Stuart Vaughn Stockton, in Colorado. They have a daughter and son, and a Shiba Inu-mix named Nova. She has sold over 20 books so far, three of which have won annual reader's choice awards. She is represented by Tamela Murray of the Steve Laube Agency.

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