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Interview with D.L. Wood

D.L. Wood still has the first book she wrote in the fifth grade when she loved mysteries and reading about the sleuthing adventures of Trixie Belden. Now, she writes mysteries of her own and likes to keep people up reading until 3:00 a.m. Her romantic suspense novel, Liar Like Her, is part of a boxed set. She shares some of her inspiration, writing journey, and a few of her favorite writing snacks.

Congratulations on your upcoming romantic suspense book, Liar Like Her! What first drew you to the genre?
I have always been a sucker for mysteries, even as a child reading Trixie Belden and so forth, so when I starting writing my own books, it made sense to write what I love.

Liar Like Her is part of a boxed collection, how did you find your writing partners?
I was fortunate enough to be asked to participate in the Dangerous Deceptions Boxed Set by my friend and mentor, Luana Ehrlich, who writes the Titus Ray Thrillers and Mylas Grey Mysteries. It has been so much fun to work with these women - Lisa Harris, Lynne Gentry, Elizabeth Goddard, Lisa Phillips, Jan Thompson, Luana Ehrlich, Robin Patchen, and Lynnette Bonner. They have taught me so much, and are so accomplished - between them we have a Christy Award winner, USA Today Bestseller, and a Carol Award winner and finalists, among other accolades.

What inspired the idea for Liar Like Her?
Liar Like Her is the second in a collection of stand-alone novels called the “Secrets and Lies Suspense Novels.” The theme of the collection is to explore the reasons for the secrets and lies we sometimes engage in, their consequences and the redemption that can follow. Liar Like Her follows a young attorney who, because of past lies, now finds herself in the position of not being believed when she actually is telling the truth about a dead body that disappeared and her role in the nefarious events that follow. The question I wanted to ask was, what do you do--how do you make peace with yourself--when you can’t seem to escape the label that’s defined you for so long?

What message do you hope readers take away from this book?
I hope that readers are encouraged in the truth that we are not defined by our past mistakes, or the labels others place on us, which often we can not control. Rather, we are defined by who God says we are, a truth that offers great peace and a firm foundation.

What is the oddest thing you have done for research?
Well, for my first book, Unintended Target, I did a lot off online research about how one might sail to the United States and enter the country undetected. I was slightly concerned that Homeland Security might come knocking on my door at some point. But, so far, so good.

When did you know you wanted to be a writer?
I’ve been reading since I was three years old and even in elementary school, I wanted to be one of those people telling stories that made people think, or moved them, or treated them to a fabulous adventure. I actually still have the first book I wrote in the fifth grade as a school project.

What is your favorite part of creating a book? Your least favorite?
My favorite part is the beginning - fleshing it all out and finding its rhythm - and the end, holding the finished product in my hands. My least favorite part would be the meticulous reading and re-reading and re-reading, checking for mistakes and the final formatting process. Being an A-type personality, that part can be pretty stressful.

Are you a plotter or a pantser?
I started out a pantser, but now I am as much of a plotter as possible, though sometimes my characters do take me to unexpected places. It’s tough to be a pantser with suspense novels—it’s too easy to find yourself locked in a room, or at least find your character locked in one, with no way out!

Do you have a favorite snack or beverage that fuels your creativity?
I love, love, love, hot tea with two sugars and a splash of milk. My go-to is Earl Grey, though lately there’s a blend called “Paris” that I find myself reaching for. And a chocolate chip cookie fresh from the oven never hurts!


Jody Stinson believes every story deserves a happy ending—even if she has to write one herself. After an international upbringing, she continues to travel whenever she can. Her goal is to take her readers somewhere new, make them smile, and give them hope through Christ. She currently writes freelance including articles, devotionals, commercials, and even a client's wedding toast.

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