Interview with Adam Graham
Author Adam Graham writes in the genre of biblical speculative fiction. Like many authors, Adam began his writing journey early – doodling first drafts in a yellow-spiral notebook as a child – Adam later honed his satirical style writing conservative political columns for publications such as Renew America and Pajamas Media and he continues to use satire in the writing of superhero adventures from unexpected and biblical angles. Adam has also published fiction, in short story form, via anthologies such as Light at the Edge of Darkness and serialized venues such as the Laser and Sword e-zine, however, Tales of the Dim Knight is his debut novel.
You and your wife, Andrea, wrote your novel, Tales of the Dim Knight, together. Do you find writing with your spouse easier or more challenging than writing alone?
Both. On one hand, it is far easier to have someone work with you whose talents compliment your own. I’m very focused on just getting my plot laid out, Andrea really fills in the details. On the other hand, you have creative clashes that you would not have working alone.
What were your favorite superheroes growing up, and how do you think they have affected your own journey into writing speculative fiction?
Growing up, I loved Batman, Spider-man, and Superman most. However, there were quite a few others. Superheroes really stretch my imagination, and when done right really take you right into the battle of good v. evil. My first work of fiction was actually Batman meets Superman fanfiction (although this was before it was called fanfiction) that I wrote in a yellow spiral notebook.
How did these superheroes help you create an unusual new superhero such as Dave Johnson?
Two of the less serious cartoon superheroes of the 1990s probably provided the most inspiration for Dave Johnson, The Tick and Darkwing Duck. The Tick was this incredible big oblivious near night indestructible guy who was just an out and out spoof of spoof of superheroes. Darkwing Duck was a bit more of a Superhero Action Comedy, but the writers of that show gave Darkwing an adopted daughter and introduced some domestic situations into their hero’s life.
How do your faith and spiritual life affect your writing?
I think it impacts everything we end up writing. When I started out, I thought if you loved God, it would be very overt and direct in every single story. I’ve learned to be sensitive to the story and what message the Lord wants to be in there. I also think that Stephen Bly’s book, Paperback Writer particularly the, “I’m a Paperback Writer” speech also brought home how any type fiction can really be an act of ministry to others.
What do you consider the greatest moment of your writing/publishing career?
Back when I was writing for American Daily in 2004, the Passion of the Christ was big in the news, and there was this incredible controversy with many people condemning the film without actually seeing it. I took time off from work to go and see it and was incredibly touched by it. I went home and wrote a movie review called, “The Truth About the Passion of the Christ.” The Review ended up on Google news and became the most read article American Daily had ever had. I received more than 100 e-mails about that one article, a few of which came to Christ as a result of reading my review and going to the movie.
Who/What spurs you to write? Where do your story and character ideas come from?
My story ideas come from all over. Recently, I got inspiration for two straight short stories based on my pastor’s sermons. Other times, I’ve been inspired by other stories, either fiction or non-fiction. I’m definitely an idea person, so it’s fairly easy for me to come up with a story idea, and much harder to find the time to sit down and write it. What spurs me to write is that I’m interested in the characters and I want to really understand the story, and the only way I can do that is to write them.
What do you think makes your style of storytelling unique?
I think the sense of humor. It’s quirky and very determined to work its way into the story – no matter what the story is.
Thanks for sharing with us, Adam!
You and your wife, Andrea, wrote your novel, Tales of the Dim Knight, together. Do you find writing with your spouse easier or more challenging than writing alone?
Both. On one hand, it is far easier to have someone work with you whose talents compliment your own. I’m very focused on just getting my plot laid out, Andrea really fills in the details. On the other hand, you have creative clashes that you would not have working alone.
What were your favorite superheroes growing up, and how do you think they have affected your own journey into writing speculative fiction?
Growing up, I loved Batman, Spider-man, and Superman most. However, there were quite a few others. Superheroes really stretch my imagination, and when done right really take you right into the battle of good v. evil. My first work of fiction was actually Batman meets Superman fanfiction (although this was before it was called fanfiction) that I wrote in a yellow spiral notebook.
How did these superheroes help you create an unusual new superhero such as Dave Johnson?
Two of the less serious cartoon superheroes of the 1990s probably provided the most inspiration for Dave Johnson, The Tick and Darkwing Duck. The Tick was this incredible big oblivious near night indestructible guy who was just an out and out spoof of spoof of superheroes. Darkwing Duck was a bit more of a Superhero Action Comedy, but the writers of that show gave Darkwing an adopted daughter and introduced some domestic situations into their hero’s life.
How do your faith and spiritual life affect your writing?
I think it impacts everything we end up writing. When I started out, I thought if you loved God, it would be very overt and direct in every single story. I’ve learned to be sensitive to the story and what message the Lord wants to be in there. I also think that Stephen Bly’s book, Paperback Writer particularly the, “I’m a Paperback Writer” speech also brought home how any type fiction can really be an act of ministry to others.
What do you consider the greatest moment of your writing/publishing career?
Back when I was writing for American Daily in 2004, the Passion of the Christ was big in the news, and there was this incredible controversy with many people condemning the film without actually seeing it. I took time off from work to go and see it and was incredibly touched by it. I went home and wrote a movie review called, “The Truth About the Passion of the Christ.” The Review ended up on Google news and became the most read article American Daily had ever had. I received more than 100 e-mails about that one article, a few of which came to Christ as a result of reading my review and going to the movie.
Who/What spurs you to write? Where do your story and character ideas come from?
My story ideas come from all over. Recently, I got inspiration for two straight short stories based on my pastor’s sermons. Other times, I’ve been inspired by other stories, either fiction or non-fiction. I’m definitely an idea person, so it’s fairly easy for me to come up with a story idea, and much harder to find the time to sit down and write it. What spurs me to write is that I’m interested in the characters and I want to really understand the story, and the only way I can do that is to write them.
What do you think makes your style of storytelling unique?
I think the sense of humor. It’s quirky and very determined to work its way into the story – no matter what the story is.
Thanks for sharing with us, Adam!
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