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Interview with Jane Daly

Have you ever wondered if it's really true that there are those who sell most all of their life's possessions, pack up what's left, and drive into their future behind the wheel of an RV? I mean really, who does that? Well, it's a thing. It does happen. And I have proof. Meet Author Jane Daly. Jane and her husband get to see the wonders of this beautiful country behind the wheel of Eleanor Rigsby. And bonus...Jane gets to write along the way.

On your website it states..."what do you call a 60- something woman who sells everything to live in a motorhome home fulltime? Crazy? Quirky? Perhaps I'm both. But it gives me plenty of time to write."
Tell us about that. What made you decide? What are the ups? The downs? And the names...Rigsby and Skittles. How did you come up with those names for your vehicles?

One of my former work colleagues told me my little car looked like a green Skittle - hence the name. We went round and round about a name for our rig. Every full-timer has a name. Finally I came up with Rigsby. Her full name is Eleanor Rigsby - from the classic Beatles song, Eleanor Rigby.

The ups: Waking up to some beautiful lakes, rivers, forests, and wildlife. We never know what we're going to encounter. It's freeing knowing that everything we own is with us - like a turtle carrying its home on its back. Freedom to visit our friends and family scattered over the US. Meeting new people, praying for people, and encouraging them in the Lord.

The downs: Worrying about a breakdown or extended stay in the shop. The cost - gas has gone up over a dollar since we started this journey, which has seriously cut into our budget.

Your character's name in Broken Silence is Jinxi. Interesting name. Where did that come from?
I used to be a bank manager, and one of my customers was named Jinxi. I knew right then I had to use her name in a book. It totally fits my main character in the two books.

Your tagline for Broken Silence: :What if your deepest secret was revealed to those you hold dear?" Any real life connections that you can tell us? Where did the brainstorm of this story start?
We all think that if our friends knew our past and the things we're ashamed of, they'd be shocked and horrified. We assume the worst. But God wants us to reveal those things so they won't have power over us. Luke 8:17

There is a line in Broken Silence..."How could she trust in someone she couldn't see?" I struggle a matter of fact, recently...with trusting God. Can you give us a bit of wisdom in your own life about trusting in God's wisdom and timing?
I am always amazed at the way God works. My many (ahem) years of following Jesus have taught me that God will not work in my time period. I could preach a whole sermon on this, but for the sake of brevity, I'll just say that I trust God.

How long have you been writing?
I got serious about writing in 2009 when I took three months off work to take care of some health issues. I'd always piddled around with stories here and there. I always said, "Someday I am going to write a book." During that three months, I heard the Lord say, "now."

Where did you live before you decided to change to RV living?
We moved from California to Oregon to be near our daughter after my mom died. Six months after we moved, our son-in-law got a job in Tennessee. They moved, we didn't. We decided to do what we'd talked about for 10 years - buy a MH and travel around the US.

I read that a few of your favorite things are a new journal and a new pen. Me too! Do you have a favorite journal that you use? Spiral or book bound?
For some reason, my friends always gift me with a journal, sometime during the year. I save it until January 1, when I start a new journal. The one I'm using this year was a gift from Jim Rubart when I attended his last Rubart Writing Academy.

What is your favorite book?
Really? Favorite book? How can I possibly have just one???

What do you consider your greatest moment in your writing career?
A few years ago, I won an award in two categories at the Oregon Christian Writers annual Cascade Conference. That was pretty darn special. And now, of course, being on the semi-final list with some REALLY BIG DOGS in the writing world is amazing.

Can you tell us about your writing routine? Do you have a particular drink or snack that you have to have alongside you?
I must have ice tea - either Tazo Zen or black. Foods? Usually need mixed nuts to much on. I have no writing routine.

If you could sit down and chat over a cup of tea with any author (dead or alive) who would it be?
C.S. Lewis

If your book had a soundtrack what music would it be?
I'm not sure, but something classic rock. Maybe "In My Life" by the Beatles.

Who's your favorite singer?
Hands down, Gordon Lightfoot. But in the Christian realm, if I only had one group to listen to for the rest of my life, it would be For King and Country.

Where's your favorite place you have traveled thus far?
I can't even . . . So many cool places and so many wonderful faces.

Who's your favorite literary character?
I have no idea. Jesus??? LOL
Gail Helgeson writes split-time fiction with a passion for leaving the legacy of a well-steeped life. She is a member of ACFW. Gail loves (okay, obsesses) all things England and can be found every afternoon sipping a cup of English Breakfast tea and nibbling on a biscuit. She and her husband share an empty nest in Wisconsin. You can find more information about her at

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