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Laura DeNooyer

Author Bio:

Laura DeNooyer thrives on creativity and encouraging it in others. A Calvin College graduate, she is a teacher, wife, parent of four adult children, and an award-winning author of heart-warming historical and contemporary fiction. When she’s not writing, you’ll find her reading, walking, drinking tea with friends, or taking a road trip. For a FREE prequel, anecdotes, tips, recipes, & more, join Laura’s monthly newsletter:

Books by Author

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A Hundred Magical Reasons

Most fairy tales have happy endings, but is it too late for this one? After all, Mrs. Charlotte Rose Gordon is eighty-eight. This disgruntled town recluse has grown weary of fighting the dragons of her past—including the desire to clear her husband’s name of a 1918 crime. Dragons of a different…

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All That Is Hidden

Are secrets worth the price they cost to keep? Ten-year-old Tina Hamilton finds out the hard way. She always knew her father had a secret. But all of God’s earth to Tina are the streams for fishing, the fields for romping, a world snugly enclosed by the blue-misted Smokies. Nothing ever changed. Until…

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